[platform-dev] Trigger custom plugin action from the commandline http://netbeans.org/projects/platform/lists/dev/archive/2011-02/message/58
/home/geertjan/netbeans-dev-201101300000/bin/netbeans --runAction "GreetAction"
@ActionID(category = "MyActions", id = "org.trigger.action.GreetAction") @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_GreetAction") @ActionReferences({ @ActionReference(path = "Menu/File", position = 0) }) @Messages("CTL_GreetAction=Greet") public final class GreetAction implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "hello world"); } }ここで、"GreatAction"をアクションカテゴリ "MyActions"に登録していることに注目してください。この意味は、中央のレジストリに"Actions/MyActions"というフォルダを作成し、その中に”GreatAction”を登録する、ということです。
@ServiceProvider(service = OptionProcessor.class) public class TriggerActionCommandLine extends OptionProcessor { //Here we specify "runAction" as the new key in the command, //but it could be any other string you like, of course: private static Option action = Option.requiredArgument(Option.NO_SHORT_NAME, "runAction"); @Override public Set<org.netbeans.spi.sendopts.Option> getOptions() { return Collections.singleton(action); } @Override protected void process(Env env, Map<Option, String[]> values) throws CommandException { String[] args = (String[]) values.get(action); if (args.length > 0) { //Set the value to be the first argument from the command line, //i.e., this is "GreetAction", for example: final String actionName = args[0]; //Wait until the UI is constructed, //otherwise you will fail to retrieve your action: WindowManager.getDefault().invokeWhenUIReady(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //Then find & perform the action: Action a = findAction(actionName); //TODO: a null check a.actionPerformed(null); } }); } } public Action findAction(String actionName) { FileObject myActionsFolder = FileUtil.getConfigFile("Actions/MyActions"); FileObject[] myActionsFolderKids = myActionsFolder.getChildren(); for (FileObject fileObject : myActionsFolderKids) { //Probably want to make this more robust, //but the point is that here we find a particular Action: if (fileObject.getName().contains(actionName)) { try { DataObject dob = DataObject.find(fileObject); InstanceCookie ic = dob.getLookup().lookup(InstanceCookie.class); if (ic != null) { Object instance = ic.instanceCreate(); if (instance instanceof Action) { Action a = (Action) instance; return a; } } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, e); return null; } } } return null; } }
Import は以下のような感じです。
import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.Action; import org.netbeans.api.sendopts.CommandException; import org.netbeans.spi.sendopts.Env; import org.netbeans.spi.sendopts.Option; import org.netbeans.spi.sendopts.OptionProcessor; import org.openide.ErrorManager; import org.openide.cookies.InstanceCookie; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil; import org.openide.loaders.DataObject; import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider; import org.openide.windows.WindowManager;
つまり、NetBeans上で作成した別のアプリケーションのように、IDE起動のたびに ”hello world” がJOptionPaneに表示されました。
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