前回のポストでは、開発者向けのTerraform概要をお伝えしました。できればそちらを読んでおいていただければ(あるいは既にTerraformに詳しいか)と思います、というのも今回のポストでは、TerraformをインストールしてOracle Cloud Infrastructureテナンシーとやり取りするためのモジュールを作成するところを説明していくからです。
| $ terraform -v |
| Terraform v0.14.5 |
OCI Terraform Providerを手動でダウンロードすることもできますが、Terraformにダウンロードさせたほうが簡単です。これは provider
ブロックを設定しておくだけでできるので、ここでは手動ダウンロードはスキップします。OCI Terraform Providerについて見ていく前に、今後たびたび参照することになるTerraformレジストリのOCI Terraform Providerのドキュメントをブックマークしておくと便利ですよ。
OCI Terraform Providerの認証にはいくつかの選択肢がありますが、ここではAPIキー認証を使います。このやり方をおすすめするのは、もし既にOCI CLIがインストールしてあるなら(しておくべきです!)、必要な情報はCLIの設定ファイルを読むだけで手に入るからです。
これらの値をTerraformにセットする簡単な方法として、 TF_VAR_
から始まる環境変数として設定しておくやり方があります。この特殊なプレフィックスを持った環境変数がスクリプトの中で有効になるように、お使いのOSごとに適切な方法で設定しておきましょう。例えばわたしのMacではこれらを .zshrc
| export TF_VAR_tenancy_ocid=<tenancy_OCID> |
| export TF_VAR_compartment_ocid=<compartment_OCID> |
| export TF_VAR_user_ocid=<user_OCID> |
| export TF_VAR_fingerprint=<key_fingerprint> |
| export TF_VAR_private_key_path=<private_key_path> |
| export TF_VAR_private_key_password=<private_key_password> |
| export TF_VAR_region=<region> |
これで最初の .tf
ファイルを作成する準備ができました。空のディレクトリに移動し、 provider.tf
| trsharp at ora-recursivecodes-mb in /projects/terraform |
| $ cd /projects/terraform |
| $ mkdir my-first-tf && cd my-first-tf |
| $ touch provider.tf |
| $ code . |
| provider "oci" { |
| tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid |
| user_ocid = var.user_ocid |
| private_key_path = var.private_key_path |
| private_key_password = var.private_key_password |
| fingerprint = var.fingerprint |
| region = var.region |
| } |
次に、同じディレクトリに variables.tf
というファイルを作成します。このファイルで、プロジェクトで使う変数を宣言しておきます。環境変数としてセットした値はプロジェクト内のどこかで対応する値として宣言されていないと使えないので、このファイルによって前述の TF_VAR
| variable "compartment_ocid" {} |
| variable "tenancy_ocid" {} |
| variable "user_ocid " {} |
| variable "private_key_path" {} |
| variable "private_key_password" {} |
| variable "fingerprint" {} |
| variable "region" {} |
IDEの(もしくはOSの)別のターミナルを開いて、 terraform init
を実行しましょう。最初にこれを実行すると、あなたがOCI Terraform Providerを使おうとしていることにTerraformが気づき、自動的にダウンロードしてくれます。以下のような出力になるでしょう:
| $ terraform init |
| Initializing the backend... |
| Initializing provider plugins... |
| - Finding latest version of hashicorp/oci... |
| - Installing hashicorp/oci v4.11.0... |
| - Installed hashicorp/oci v4.11.0 (signed by HashiCorp) |
| Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider |
| selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository |
| so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when |
| you run "terraform init" in the future. |
| Terraform has been successfully initialized! |
| You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see |
| any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands |
| should now work. |
| If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform, |
| rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other |
| commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary. |
Terraform CLIでは多くのコマンドが用意されていますが、最も多く使うことになるものを3つ挙げるなら、 plan
と apply
、そして destroy
でしょう。開発の際には、 console
コマンドを使うことで、なってほしい状態と現在の状態とを比較し、差分の実行計画を生成することができます。このコマンドは実際には何もせず、計画を生成するだけです。 plan
| $ terraform plan |
| No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date. |
| This means that Terraform did not detect any differences between your |
| configuration and real physical resources that exist. As a result, no |
| actions need to be performed. |
なるほど、まだリソースを定義していないので、計画もまだなしというわけです!では variables.tf
を同じディレクトリで開いて、 bucket_namespace
という変数をあなたのObject Storageネームスペースの値を指定しましょう。
| variable "bucket_namespace" { |
| default = "toddrsharp" |
| } |
| $ terraform console |
| > var.bucket_namespace |
| "toddrsharp" |
想定どおりですね、すばらしい!ターミナルを抜けて、別のファイルを作成しましょう。 test.tf
困った、 詰まっちゃった!そうしたら、Terraform console
で help
Object Storageデータソースを使ってテナンシーのObject Storageのバケットをリストしましょう。 test.tf
| data "oci_objectstorage_bucket_summaries" "bucket_summaries" { |
| compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid |
| namespace = var.bucket_namespace |
| } |
コンソールでデータソースの値をチェックしてみましょう。前回のポストに書いたとおり、データソースの出力は data
| $ terraform console |
| > data.oci_objectstorage_bucket_summaries.bucket_summaries |
| (known after apply) |
あーっと、まだこの情報は取得できませんね。取得するには、 plan
を apply
この計画はそんなに派手なものではないでしょうが、計画は計画です。 apply
してみましょう。でもその前に、 output
| output "bucket_summaries" { |
| value = data.oci_objectstorage_bucket_summaries.bucket_summaries |
| } |
このPlanをApplyすると、テナンシー/ネームスペースの各バケットについてバケットサマリーオブジェクトのリストが参照できます。Terraformのsplat syntaxを使って、もう少し読みやすくしてみましょう。
| output "bucket_summaries" { |
| value = data.oci_objectstorage_bucket_summaries.bucket_summaries.bucket_summaries[*].name |
| } |
| Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. |
| Outputs: |
| bucket_summaries = tolist([ |
| "archive-demo", |
| "barn-captures", |
| "custom-images", |
| "doggos", |
| "insulin-helper-uploads", |
| "micronaut-lab-assets", |
| "object-upload-demo-public", |
| "oss-storage-bucket", |
| "readme-assets", |
| "rocket-chat-uploads", |
| "usage_reports", |
| "wallet", |
| ]) |
ここまで、実リソースの作成はまだやっておらず、基本的な変数の宣言、プロバイダー設定、データソースの読み取りと表示だけをやってきました。 test.tf
| resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "create_bucket" { |
| # required |
| compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid |
| name = "my_new_bucket" |
| namespace = var.bucket_namespace |
| # optional |
| access_type = "ObjectRead" |
| } |
| output "new_bucket" { |
| value = oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket |
| } |
terraform plan
| $ terraform plan |
| An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. |
| Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: |
| + create |
| Terraform will perform the following actions: |
| # oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket will be created |
| + resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "create_bucket" { |
| + access_type = "ObjectRead" |
| + approximate_count = (known after apply) |
| + approximate_size = (known after apply) |
| + bucket_id = (known after apply) |
| + compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]" |
| + created_by = (known after apply) |
| + defined_tags = (known after apply) |
| + etag = (known after apply) |
| + freeform_tags = (known after apply) |
| + id = (known after apply) |
| + is_read_only = (known after apply) |
| + kms_key_id = (known after apply) |
| + name = "my_new_bucket" |
| + namespace = "toddrsharp" |
| + object_events_enabled = (known after apply) |
| + object_lifecycle_policy_etag = (known after apply) |
| + replication_enabled = (known after apply) |
| + storage_tier = (known after apply) |
| + time_created = (known after apply) |
| + versioning = (known after apply) |
| } |
| Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. |
| Changes to Outputs: |
| - bucket_summaries = [ |
| - "archive-demo", |
| - "barn-captures", |
| - "custom-images", |
| - "doggos", |
| - "insulin-helper-uploads", |
| - "micronaut-lab-assets", |
| - "object-upload-demo-public", |
| - "oss-storage-bucket", |
| - "readme-assets", |
| - "rocket-chat-uploads", |
| - "usage_reports", |
| - "wallet", |
| ] -> null |
| + new_bucket = { |
| + access_type = "ObjectRead" |
| + approximate_count = (known after apply) |
| + approximate_size = (known after apply) |
| + bucket_id = (known after apply) |
| + compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]" |
| + created_by = (known after apply) |
| + defined_tags = (known after apply) |
| + etag = (known after apply) |
| + freeform_tags = (known after apply) |
| + id = (known after apply) |
| + is_read_only = (known after apply) |
| + kms_key_id = (known after apply) |
| + metadata = null |
| + name = "my_new_bucket" |
| + namespace = "toddrsharp" |
| + object_events_enabled = (known after apply) |
| + object_lifecycle_policy_etag = (known after apply) |
| + replication_enabled = (known after apply) |
| + retention_rules = [] |
| + storage_tier = (known after apply) |
| + time_created = (known after apply) |
| + timeouts = null |
| + versioning = (known after apply) |
| } |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform |
| can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if |
| "terraform apply" is subsequently run. |
想定通り、バケットサマリーのリストは出力から削除され、新しいバケットの作成と結果の表示が追加されています。ただし最後のNoteを見てみましょう。 -out
| $ terraform plan -out test |
| [removed for brevity] |
| This plan was saved to: test |
| To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply: |
| terraform apply "test" |
| $ terraform apply test |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Creating... |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Creation complete after 1s [id=n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket] |
| Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. |
| The state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path |
| below. This state is required to modify and destroy your |
| infrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state |
| use the <code class="code-inline">terraform show</code> command. |
| State path: terraform.tfstate |
| Outputs: |
| new_bucket = { |
| "access_type" = "ObjectRead" |
| "approximate_count" = "0" |
| "approximate_size" = "0" |
| "bucket_id" = "ocid1.bucket.oc1.[redacted]" |
| "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]" |
| "created_by" = "ocid1.user.oc1..[redacted]" |
| "defined_tags" = tomap({ |
| "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy" = "" |
| "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn" = "2021-02-02T14:00:30.661Z" |
| }) |
| "etag" = "b92e2a05-8d63-466b-afe3-0932605f0ce7" |
| "freeform_tags" = tomap({}) |
| "id" = "n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket" |
| "is_read_only" = false |
| "kms_key_id" = tostring(null) |
| "metadata" = tomap(null) /* of string */ |
| "name" = "my_new_bucket" |
| "namespace" = "toddrsharp" |
| "object_events_enabled" = false |
| "object_lifecycle_policy_etag" = tostring(null) |
| "replication_enabled" = false |
| "retention_rules" = toset([]) |
| "storage_tier" = "Standard" |
| "time_created" = "2021-02-02 14:00:30.676 +0000 UTC" |
| "timeouts" = null /* object */ |
| "versioning" = "Disabled" |
| } |
素晴らしい!バケットが作成されたようです。OCI CLIを使って確認してみましょう。
| $ oci os bucket get --bucket-name my_new_bucket --region us-phoenix-1 \ |
| > | jq '.data | {name: .name, createdOn: ."time-created"}’ |
| { |
| "name": "my_new_bucket", |
| "createdOn": "2021-02-02T14:00:30.676000+00:00" |
| } |
待ってください!間違えてバケットをパブリックバケットとして作ってしまいました。これではダメです、プライベートに変更する必要があります。Terraformスクリプトに戻ってプロパティを更新し、 apply
| resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "create_bucket" { |
| # required |
| compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid |
| name = "my_new_bucket" |
| namespace = var.bucket_namespace |
| # optional |
| access_type = "NoPublicAccess" # <---- updated |
| } |
| $ terraform apply |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Refreshing state... [id=n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket] |
| An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. |
| Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: |
| ~ update in-place |
| Terraform will perform the following actions: |
| # oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket will be updated in-place |
| ~ resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "create_bucket" { |
| ~ access_type = "ObjectRead" -> "NoPublicAccess" |
| id = "n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket" |
| name = "my_new_bucket" |
| # (16 unchanged attributes hidden) |
| } |
| Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy. |
| Changes to Outputs: |
| ~ new_bucket = { |
| ~ access_type = "ObjectRead" -> "NoPublicAccess" |
| # (22 unchanged elements hidden) |
| } |
| Do you want to perform these actions? |
| Terraform will perform the actions described above. |
| Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve. |
| Enter a value: yes |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Modifying... [id=n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket] |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Modifications complete after 3s [id=n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket] |
| Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed. |
なんらかの理由でTerraformプロジェクトで作成したすべてのインフラストラクチャを削除したい場合は、 terraform destroy
| $ terraform destroy |
| An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. |
| Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: |
| - destroy |
| Terraform will perform the following actions: |
| # oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket will be destroyed |
| - resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "create_bucket" { |
| - access_type = "NoPublicAccess" -> null |
| - approximate_count = "0" -> null |
| - approximate_size = "0" -> null |
| - bucket_id = "ocid1.bucket.oc1.[redacted]" -> null |
| - compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]" -> null |
| - created_by = "ocid1.user.oc1..[redacted]" -> null |
| - defined_tags = { |
| } -> null |
| - etag = "ac1ae994-7a46-4709-bf22-28e78fc28a62" -> null |
| - freeform_tags = {} -> null |
| - id = "n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket" -> null |
| - is_read_only = false -> null |
| - metadata = {} -> null |
| - name = "my_new_bucket" -> null |
| - namespace = "toddrsharp" -> null |
| - object_events_enabled = false -> null |
| - replication_enabled = false -> null |
| - storage_tier = "Standard" -> null |
| - time_created = "2021-02-02 14:00:30.676 +0000 UTC" -> null |
| - versioning = "Disabled" -> null |
| } |
| Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy. |
| Changes to Outputs: |
| - new_bucket = { |
| - access_type = "NoPublicAccess" |
| - approximate_count = "0" |
| - approximate_size = "0" |
| - bucket_id = "ocid1.bucket.oc1.[redacted]" |
| - compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]" |
| - created_by = "ocid1.user.oc1..[redacted]" |
| - defined_tags = { |
| } |
| - etag = "ac1ae994-7a46-4709-bf22-28e78fc28a62" |
| - freeform_tags = {} |
| - id = "n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket" |
| - is_read_only = false |
| - kms_key_id = null |
| - metadata = {} |
| - name = "my_new_bucket" |
| - namespace = "toddrsharp" |
| - object_events_enabled = false |
| - object_lifecycle_policy_etag = null |
| - replication_enabled = false |
| - retention_rules = [] |
| - storage_tier = "Standard" |
| - time_created = "2021-02-02 14:00:30.676 +0000 UTC" |
| - timeouts = null |
| - versioning = "Disabled" |
| } -> null |
| Do you really want to destroy all resources? |
| Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above. |
| There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm. |
| Enter a value: yes |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Destroying... [id=n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket] |
| oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Destruction complete after 3s |
| Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed. |
このポストでは、TerraformとTerraform OCI Providerをインストールし、Oracle Cloudのインフラストラクチャを管理するための最初のTerraformスクリプトを作成、計画、適用しました。OCI ProviderはOracle Cloudのすべてのインフラストラクチャ要素をフルサポートしていることは覚えておいてくださいね。あなたのテナンシーで行う必要のあるオペレーションの仕様の詳細についてはドキュメントを参照ください。次のポストでは、ローカルではなくOracle Cloud上でTerraformを使用します!
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